Therapeutic Guidelines has a new app.
Therapeutic Guidelines advises all users to download the new mobile app for Android or iOS as soon as possible. The old app is out of date and will be decommissioned and removed by mid-February 2025.
To learn how to authenticate the new app, click on the FAQ tab at top of this screen.
Ovid Discovery is a one-stop tool that searches across most of the DoH Library's online resources including journal articles, e-books, and evidence based medicine resources such as Cochrane and TRIP. More information can be found here.
Alternatively, you can search an individual database. See the box below, or here.
e-journals, print journals, e-books, print books
To find print journals, use the Library Catalogue
For more information, see our Standards Page
The Macquarie Dictionary Online is updated annually, making it the most up-to-date Australian dictionary and thesaurus available.
All of our databases and important websites in one list. Enter a search keyword, or browse the list here
Australian Pharmaceutical Formulary | Cochrane Library | ||
Therapeutic Guidelines | TRIP |
Dynamed COVID-19
This is the entry for COVID-19 in Dynamed, a point of care tool. The publisher has made this entry available to all. As we don't currently subscribe to Dynamed, no other information is available from this site.
The WA Health state-wide subscription to MIMS has been replaced by a subscription to AusDI.
Monday - Friday 8.00am - 4.00pm (excluding public holidays) (08) 9222 4352
LibKey Nomad is now available
This is a real time saver for those doing research!
LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that provides one click access to full text from the Library’s subscribed content as well as open access content. If no full text access is available to you, LibKey Nomad will link you to a document delivery request form.
If it's not in your Edge browser extension, follow the instructions under the FAQ tab at top of our homepage.
Save your custom searches on EBSCO this February 2025
This year, EBSCO Host is upgrading their search functionality in these databases:
Health Policy Reference Center
Some saved information won't sync over to the new site in February including:
Search alerts - we suggest you save these as a Saved search (Permanent) using the Edit Search function.
Journal Alerts - these have to be recreated in the new search screen.
Any searches saved in your My Custom Folder. To save your search alerts in My Custom Folder, we advise you move these folders to the Saved Searches under My Folder option.
If you need help, please contact us at the library.