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Therapeutic Guidelines has a new app.

Therapeutic Guidelines advises all users to download the new mobile app for Android or iOS as soon as possible. The old app is out of date and will be decommissioned and removed by mid-February 2025.

 To learn how to authenticate the new app, click on the Mobile & Apps at top of this screen.


Search ...

Ovid Discovery is a one-stop tool that searches across most of the DoH Library's online resources including journal articles, e-books, and evidence based medicine resources such as Cochrane and TRIP. More information can be found here.

Alternatively, you can search an individual database. See the box below, or here.

Library Catalogue

e-journals, print journals, e-books, print books

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID

Type or paste a DOI name, e.g. 10.1093/infdis/jiaa429 into the text box below.

Be sure to enter all of the characters before and after the slash.

Do not include extra characters, or sentence punctuation marks.

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID


If you don't have a DOI or PMID, try this form


Full Text e-Journal Titles

To find print journals, use the Library Catalogue

E-Books by Title

Follow Your Favourite Journals with BrowZine


Browzine Web

  • Build your personal journal collection
  • Be notified by email when new issues are published
  • Collect articles

For more information, see our Standards Page

Resources A-Z

All of our databases and important websites in one list. Enter a search keyword, or browse the list here

Point of Care and Medication Resources


 Medicines   Handbook

 Australian   Pharmaceutical Formulary
 Essential Evidence Plus
Internal access
Remote access


 PBS Schedule

Dynamed COVID-19
This is the entry for COVID-19 in Dynamed, a point of care tool. The publisher has made this entry available to all. As we don't currently subscribe to Dynamed, no other information is available from this site.

More Point of Care Resources...

More Medication Resources ...

* The WA Health state-wide subscription to MIMS has been replaced by a subscription to AusDI.

Contact Us

Monday - Friday 8.00am - 4.00pm (excluding public holidays)           (08) 9222 4352 

What's new

LibKey Nomad is now available

This is a real time saver for those doing research!
LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that provides one click access to full text from the Library’s subscribed content as well as open access content. If no full text access is available to you, LibKey Nomad will link you to a document delivery request form.
If it's not in your Edge browser extension, follow the instructions under the FAQ tab at top of our homepage.

Helpful Tips: Where to start searching
To start searching for a research topic or article title:
Click on tab to the left - Find articles on a subject.

In the Discover Search box, type your query or article title.

On the next screen, a list of results in order of relevance will appear.

To look at full text, click on the View full text option at bottom of the record. 

To ask for free delivery of the full text article, click on the Check for full text option at bottom of the record.

To find a database or search keywords for a website:

Click on tab to the left - Resources A-Z. You can search subjects or keywords, e.g. statistics; health policy; The West Australian.